Happyrent.pl - rent a car and see more!

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1 Happyrent.pl - rent a car and see more!

Sometimes we have to go on a long journey (eg. by plane), and after landing at the destination does not want to move around by public transport or taxis. In this case, all we have to do is rent a car. Bydgoszcz is a city constantly expanding and friendly all citizens and visitors. It is also a place where, if necessary, car rental is possible, and you can do it at Happy Rent. We offer various models of cars so every customer will find something for him. Depending on the brand and the comfort of the car model, the rental rates are different and start from 75 PLN per day. Each of our cars is insured and has no kilometers traveled limitation. There is also the possibility of substitution of the car ready to your disposal at the designated place at a convenient time. We are a company open to the customer needs, and our flexible service adapted to their requirements. Trust us and we will not fail that trust. We promis you that! So if you are visiting our city and want to rent a car, Bydgoszcz invites!

Adres www: http://www.happyrent.pl/en/rent-a-car-bydgoszcz.html

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